Winnipeg Alpine Racers Covid-19 Information
As athletes, clubs, MASD and WAR begin to look to reintroduce training into our schedules the health and safety of our community is paramount. The province of Manitoba is currently allowing outdoor training as of February 12, 2021.
The COVID-19 outbreak has required the integration of additional measures and continual assessment to avoid transmission of the virus in the training and competitive environments within Manitoba and Canada.
The Winnipeg Alpine Racers Ski Club recognizes the importance of maintaining the safety and health of everyone involved in alpine training and competition including the athletes, coaches, parents, and ski hill staff. For the 2020-2021 season we are introducing some new safety protocols. Each athlete will be provided a race bib at the beginning of the season and will race in the same position for each race throughout the season. In addition, each ski team will be considered a cohort and will race together as a group, regardless of age. Currently, our season will start on Monday, February 15th.
Winnipeg Alpine Racers has created this document to support the development of return to sport planning for alpine racing. This document can serve as a guide to setting up a return to sport plan utilizing the Team Snap risk assessment checklist tool. All parents and athletes in attendance at any event, practice or dryland training are required to complete the self assessment 8 hours prior to the scheduled WAR event.
If you are not a WAR club member, or have not been added as a member in Team Snap and you plan to attend an event - please print and fill out the following questionnaire 8 hours prior to the start of the event. A copy will need to be provided to our Covid Coordinator upon arrival.
Covid-19 Manitoba Screening questions
Read the COVID-19 Return to Sport Plan (coming soon).