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Race Day


The following is an example of what to expect on Race Day

Rule # 1: Have FUN!
Rule # 2: Dress WARM!

Procedures for Race Day

- Arrive at the hill at the

time your coach designates.


- Buy your lift ticket.  

Everyone is responsible to purchase their own tickets. Sometimes the hosting club negotiates a discounted rate for racers which you buy at a special location. At the Springhill or Asessippi race you don’t need a lift ticket if you have a season pass already for your child.

- Your child will be given a racing bib  and will need to wear it for the race. The number gives them their place in the order of racers. At this point the coaches take responsibility for the kids (except during lunch break). You can meet your child back in the same spot for lunch.

- Course Inspection: Usually 10:00. The kids meet with a coach at a designated time at the top of the race course and go down through the course slowly. The coach will help them understand how to get through safely.

- Warm up/Practice runs – between the time of course inspection & the race the coaches will take the kids on some practice runs. The children are to stay with their designated coach.

- Morning Run of the Race begins – usually 10:30 in the morning the kids go in order of their bib numbers. Lowest to highest. We have to make sure that the children are at the top of the course in order to make their start. The race announcer will call the kids to the top when they need to get there.

- Break for lunch – the course is reset

- Course Inspection – usually 1:00 same procedure as in morning wearing their same bib
Afternoon Run of the Race begins – usually 1:30

Please don’t let your child lose their bib, as the club will be charged for its ‘loss’. Races are completed by approximately 2:30-3:00 unless there have been delays.

Coaches’ Responsibilities:

• Set the course
• Meet with children initially at the chalet and distribute bibs/take charge of racers
• Go through course inspection both times with the kids
• Have one of the coaches available at the top to ready the racers, check their equipment and help them to the starting gate
• If any child falls in the course a coach should check them over and make recommendations to parents

Parent’s Responsibilities:

You are responsible for the care of your child during lunch and after the race. If you do not ski, you must ask another parent to be responsible for your child if they are “free skiing” at the end of the day.
You are responsible to get your child to the appropriate meeting places in a timely fashion. Children that are late may miss course inspection. If your child is late getting to the start gate for their turn, they will still be able to race, however, they will probably have to wait until all the racers have gone and go at the very end.


Each club is responsible to provide volunteers for every race. There are a variety of jobs to choose from, however most are located outside (so dress warm!). Manitoba Alpine offers free training for parents to become Officials every year. This sport requires many parent volunteers to run each race event. MASD will canvas for parent volunteers prior to all races.

Some race rules:

If you miss a gate, you are disqualified. However, your child will not know this unless you tell them. They will be given their time and the coach will be informed that they’ve been disqualified. They will still race in their given spot in the afternoon run.

We encourage parents to come and cheer on all our racers from our club, bring your warm boots and coat, noisemakers, cow bells and your cheering voice!

Some races can be viewed online at

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